中国宁波于 2013-12-22 20:33 发表在149 楼
安宝您好,能打开OZF4格式的,该用那个CE版本? 官网上的:
Img2ozf Version 3 This version of img2ozf produces Ozf4 files for use with OziExplorerCE version 2.40 and later and OziExplorer version 3.95.5p and later and OziExplorer for Android version 1.20 Img2ozf looks for OziExplorer .map files. It converts the image pointed to by the .map file and creates a new .map file for the converted image. You cannot convert images unless a .map file has been created by PC OziExplorer. This version also allows you to transfer the map files and images to your Device. Please note that the Ozfx3 files produced from normal map images will be used exactly the same as the Ozf2 files produced by the old img2ozf. Ozfx3 files produced from licensed image formats will have the same restrictions on saving and printing as the original images. |